Demo Reel

This is the version that i played at the Portfolio Show.

The show was great! Thank you to all who came to see... and thank you again to all who gave suggestions and comments. More to come soon... what to work on first? But first sleep!

Kick Push

After much work, and more to come... this is the first test animation render of this scene.

Spitball (new cameras)

This is still being worked on but this is the latest... i replaced all of the lighting and set up new cameras to capture more expression. i think i am going to put a batter ( most likely Moom for a little diversity) in there and give him a couple seconds of good acting before the pitch and while the pitcher is getting his signs.

Demo Reel V1

My first version of my demo Reel... enjoy.

The skateboard scene is still being worked on as you can tell... i had a problem with the rig and the legs were stretching way too much, so i am just starting over with a new character. I'm now using Basic Guy for the skateboard scene because his long limbs are more suited towards the style of a skateboarder and im getting a little tired of moom, but beggers can't be choosy.

Tornado Kick

This is a fun project, i enjoy doing fight scenes because of the attention to detail that is required, i now understand why some fight scenes are done on 60 fps. The hand is definitly quicker than the eye. I am not finished with this yet but i figured i would post what i had so far with my reference video in the corner... i saw this video and had to do an animated version. Almost done.

Whipe Out

This project is a rewarding one, i did not plan on taking it this far when i started it but the more i work on it the more i like it. The soundtrack is just a rough idea of what i want it to sound like, it just needed something to hold it over for now. More to come...

Spitball Progress


Surfs Up

I started out just wanting to do a paddle cycle on this and decided to keep going, and this is what it turned into... the wave is hard to make, right now i just have a nurbs plane there to hold the shape but i think im going to go back and try to animate it with the wave animated too.

The Penalty Shot

This is an animation that i did in honor of a couple of good buddies out playing soccer together. I really tried to make the kicker look focused and concentrated on getting the goal even leaning into the after kick trying to get it to drift in, until he looses himself with laughter at what happens to his friend/opponent defending him.

The Spitball

This is my first version of this but I am happy with how it looks with a few exceptions, such as the hip twist before the pitch.

And so it begins...

The wonderful world of Animation!

I will be putting up video's later this week...